Explore a Decade of Dave Cullen's Research
Senior year, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold made a now-infamous "Hitmen For Hire" video for school. It centered on a fictional business with themselves hired to shoot bullies for bullied kids. But the joke was on the victims, because Eric and Dylan would actually extort money from the bullied kids, and had no real interest in helping them. (Kind of like their bigger plan would turn out: people believing they were fighting for bullies, when it was in fact all about themselves.)
Eric wrote up a business plan with it, and turned it in to the teacher they affectionately called T-dog. The plan includes a product overview, map, business organization, fundraising plan, and advertising campaign.
It was all taken as a joke at the time, which is understandable. It's chilling now.
You can watch the video here. (If that link goes bad, just google "Hitmen for Hire.") Here is the complete assignment Eric Harris turned in:
Hitmen For Hire

Hitmen For Hire
Eric Harris School Assignment