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Get Copies

Of All Columbine Evidence Released

This page provides instructions for obtaining any of the evidence released by Jefferson County (Jeffco). It released more than 30,000 pages, in 29 batches, over six years, mostly by court order.


Yes, this actually works. I have done it myself, though it was many years ago. The clerks were very friendly and helpful.


Everything Except the Grand Jury report

The following verbiage came directly from the Jeffco Sheriff's website while it was operational, with my comments in {} at the end:


With the exception of the last five items, all Columbine documents are now released by the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office, Records Unit.  In March 2007, most paper documents were converted to CD to provide a more user-friendly format for customers, as well as to standardize and simplify processing, shipping and associated fees.


To obtain released items, please follow the procedures below:


1.  Download application.
An Application for Columbine Documents (PDF) must be completed, listing the item number and item(s) requested. {I can't find a current link in 2017, so call  Jeffco at the number below.}  If necessary, this application form can be faxed, mailed or emailed to you.


2. Submit application.
Submit the application form, with your signature, to:
      Jefferson County Sheriff's Office
      Records Unit
      200 Jefferson County Parkway    
      Golden CO  80401 
      Fax:  (303) 271-5552 or
      Telephone:  (303) 271-5542

3. Shipping arrangements.


For U.S. addresses: 

  • Fees listed for each item include shipping and handling charges. 

  • Fees can be paid by cash (in person only), check, money order or credit card. 

  • Make checks payable to JCSO. 

  • There is a place for credit card information at the bottom of the application form. 

  • Master Card or Visa only.


For international addresses:

  • Processing and shipping fees for some Columbine items vary from country to country.  

  • Fees to ship CDs and DVDs are the same as listed for U.S. addresses.

  • For all remaining documents (VHS and audio tapes) please send inquires regarding fees and availability to the Records Unit as listed above. 

  • Fees must be paid in U.S. currency. 

  • Please do not send payment for VHS and audio tapes before verifying the actual shipping costs with the Records Unit.


The Grand Jury reports

The Colorado attorney general impaneled a grand jury to investigate allegations of a Columbine cover-up by the Jeffco sheriff's department. On Sept 17, 2004, the grand jury released a scathing report, expressing distress at "troubling" activity. It said it no indictments were made, because it could not connect the activity definitively to any one individual.


More than a decade later, the sheriff's department shamefully refuses to acknowledge this report on its website, or to provide the means to obtain a copy. But despite the irony of Jeffco attempting to hide this report on its cover-up, it's all online.


The full grand jury report is here, titled: Columbine Grand Jury Report: Investigation of Missing Guerra Files. A separate report from the Colorado attorney general is here, titled: Report of the Investigation into Missing Daily Field Activity and Daily Supervisor Reports Related to Columbine High School Shootings: Supplemental Report. (Both are PDFs.) They are pretty damning.


(Note. The documents are no longer posted at the state of Colorado site, but I found these sites hosting them in 2017. If these links go bad again, try googling the full title of each.)

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