Explore a Decade of Dave Cullen's Research
The Evidence section is organized into 4 sections:
Overview & Highlights of the evidence released. (This page.) There are over 30,000 pages, so I suggest good places to start, depending on your interests.
All Columbine evidence, with commentary and links. Jeffco released 23 different batches over several years, so I provide a commentary on each batch, explaining how useful it is, and what you will find where.
All official reports on Columbine and school shooters. The 3 big ones are the Jeffco report, the FBI report and Secret Service report, but there are 3 other significant ones. Most are extremely useful.
Get copies. Instructions to obtain your own copies of any released evidence. (Most of it is online, but you can order your own copy of any of it from Jeffco for a small fee. It's mostly on DVD now.)
Overview of
columbine evidence released
As of 2017, the Jeffco Sheriff's office has released 23 separate batches of information. Material includes:
tens of thousands of pages of police files, including all witness interviews (now on DVD)
Eric and Dylan's journals and other writing (nearly 1,000 pages)
Eric's website
videos of Eric and Dylan (but not The Basement Tapes)
911 audio tapes
hundreds of crime scene photos
autopsy reports
lab reports
physical evidence, ballistics, inventories of all materials collected, etc.
all the search warrants (they fill a thick book)
DA files from the killers' Diversion Program
report of a grand jury investigation into the cover-up
There have been no releases for a several years, but for the latest info on releases, follow this link to the Jeffco web page.
Unfortunately, they change the link with annoying frequency, so if it is broken, go to their homepage and type Columbine in the search box.
Highlights of
columbine evidence released
Most readers and students researching papers will find everything they need among the government reports, and this group of evidence, especially #1:
Nearly 1,000 pages of the killers journals and other writings (Item #23 on the All Evidence page). Unfortunately, I can no longer find a single place online where you can download the entire 34MB file. (The Rocky Mountain News had it online for years, until they went bankrupt.) But I have it, and included the most interesting pages on the Journals section of this site. You can get the full 1,000 pages from Jeffo. See the Get Copies page of this section.
11,000 pages of investigative files (Item #23 on the All Evidence page). This includes most police files. There is incredible information here, but it's nearly impossible to find anything. I have included some of the most interesting bits on this site.
Several videos. See descriptions on the All Evidence page, and in the Videos section of the site.
The killers' files from their year in the Diversion program (Items E & F on the full-listing page). I have not found these online anywhere, but have scanned all Eric's pages, under the Journals section of the site. You can also order them from Jeffco, but the DA's office, not the sheriff. (See Get Copies.)
The Grand Jury report (Item A on the All Evidence page).