Explore a Decade of Dave Cullen's Research
Eric Harris' Big Lie
Dr. Fuselier told me many times that he suspected Eric was a psychopath very early, so his process was to attempt to disprove it, but the evidence kept reinforcing it. He said the clincher was Eric's biggest whopper of a lie--his many versions of his feeling about the van break-in that got Eric and Dylan arrested on three felony counts. These four documents are scattered about the thousands of pages of evidence released. I gathered them here for easy comparison.
The startling contrast reveals Eric's true feelings about the van break-in, alongside the public persona he presented. They illustrate a hallmark of psychopathy: his great skill at faking empathy, and amusement at the ease of conning almost every adult standing in his way. This is one of the best examples of Eric's "duper's delight."
My summary appears above each entry.
1. Eric Harris's apology letter to his victim, the van owner. (Eric was forced to write this as part of the Diversion program. A convincing letter would make life more pleasant for him.)

2. Eric's rant about it at the same time in his journal. Start reading eleven lines up from the bottom. Here's what he says (I'm duplicating his typos):
"Isnt america supposed to be the land of the free? how come If im free, I cant deprive a stupid fucking dumbshit from his possessions If he leaves them sitting in the front seat of his fucking van out in plain sight and in the middle of fucking nowhere on a Frifuckingday night. NATURAL SELECTION. fucker should be shot."

3. Eric's school essay about the break-in months later. T-dog is the affectionate nickname the kids used for the teacher. Notice the way Eric turns himself into the victim. That's also classic psychopath behavior.

4. The first two pages from Eric's intake questionnaire for the Diversion program. Near the top of page 2, Eric states, "looking forward to it hopefully will set me strait."
(These have no JC... number stamped on them, because they were released as part of the DA's packet, not the Sheriff's department. They are not in the 1,000 pages released on the killers with journals and so forth.)